Looking for a great change in 2011?
2011 was impatiently waited for by many many people. 2010 is now over and "Thank Goodness" said many of those people. It was full of challenges, uncertainty and negativity for more people than usual.
BUT 2011 has sprung onto the new horizon with a breath of new hope. Everybody seems to feel the change and I know, I have lots to look forward to. I don't seem to be alone. If you are feeling like something "wonderful" is about to happen, you have lots of company. So how do we harness that positive energy and maintain it all year? For many people, a change will happen this year. If you have been uncertain about your job, financing or situation, it is time to celebrate that you have a job, can afford some choices and if your situation is improving, why not make a positive change. Change is the breakfast of champions and it also shows you and the world that you have confidence in the future. Many people get caught in a rut and then wonder how to get out of it. A change will usually do it! So move confidently in the direction of your future! If you think a new job is in order, why not take a course in something interesting that might work into a new career? If you are lonely, get out and get engaged in life and meet new friends and maybe a new partner will present themself? If you need a change of scenery, why not book a trip in the future. The planning is often the best part as it can go on for months even if the vacation is only a weekend get away. If you need a real shake up, ask yourself if your home needs to change. A house that is too big, has too long a driveway (well this week they all do!) or even one that just doesn't excite you anymore, might need to be changed. You have so many choices! You can downsize, move up, go to a condo, move to a different community, move closer to family or your job or find about another 100 reasons. If you just want to sit and talk to somebody that will listen to you, ask the right questions, give the right advise without any pressure, just call me. 2011 is going to be a great year for you also, I can feel it!