This COVID year has brought so many challenges to life. REAL ESTATE has been more than unexpected! The first lock down, saw sales drop dramatically. Then when people learned how to buy and sell following COVID restrictions, the market boomed. Suddenly people realized they needed more space if they were working at home. Some people thought getting out of the city sounded wonderful and offered the ability to have more land, grow a garden and maybe get a few chickens. This challenging year made us think about how we want to live the best life. If that is a current question in your mind.. just call me and I can first and foremost give you an evaluation on the value of your current home. The next step is to detemine what changes you feel are necessary or wanted. I ALWAYS SUGGEST you sell first, see how much money is in your possession and what credit you quality for... THEN we can go find you a new home that you are absolutely going to love... during the remainder of this COVID time and later also.